Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Disciple Who Won Despite Losing

The King had organised a competition among all the potters in his land to identify who is the best potter amongst all. All the master potters and their disciples were eligible to participate and submit their best entry in the form of a drinking cistern.

In a small dilapidated hut, the master potter and his favourite disciple were both at work, each crafting their respective Cisterns. The master potter belonged to a particular school of pottery which embellished their work with a technique called Shimmering which gave a glazed feel to the final product. The master potter was proud of his unique technique and had asked his best disciple to also participate in this competition so that at least one of them would win the competition, and do the technique proud.  

The disciple casually looked at the Master giving the finishing touches to his masterpiece. His Master's piece was really superb - crafted in the traditional design, and - with the finishing touches the master was giving, it was acquiring a shimmer that none others can create. It was his master's trade mark style that he taught only his most favourite disciples.

The Disciple then looked at his own unfinished creation - it also looked good - after all his master had trained him really well. Then he wondered how should he give the finishing touches. Should he give it the shimmer that his master prefers, or should he do something very different from what his master has trained him to do?

His love for his master made him hesitate.

Ultimately the disciple decided to do something different and finished his cistern using a new technique that came to his mind at that moment. 

The master's entry won the competition easily. The master felt happy that he is still the best Potter in the land. Then the master looked at his disciple's entry and started to chide him for forgetting the lessons he had been taught. The disciple looked distraught but kept silent. Then the master stopped scolding as it suddenly dawned on him as to why his favourite disciple had disobeyed him for the 1st ever time.

The master looked at his disciple and thought "Only a true Guru and a true disciple will figure out why my favourite disciple behaved the way he did. My disciple is a better person than I am - he has more faith in me than I myself. He is my worthy successor and from now on whatever knowledge I have is his".

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