Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The benefits of a fat wallet

When UPI was introduced, the size of my wallet visibly shrunk. I stopped carrying much currency notes, and the wallet was basically for only carrying my various ID cards and ATM cards.

When I travel I make an exception as most of my travel happens by train and it is necessary to have notes of small denomination (RS 10, 20, 50 etc) always available. This however results in a rather bulky sized wallet which I dislike as it ruins my dapper good looks by its ungainly bulge from my back pocket.

However, I realized the benefit of a bulging wallet yesterday when walking on a rain drenched passage I took a major tumble and landed on my back with a big thud. 

Serious damage would have certainly resulted to my hind-side but for the cushion that the bulky wallet provided as it absorbed the bulk of the impact.

I won't curse fat wallets any more - even if it is seriously ruining my good looks.

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