Thursday, August 17, 2017

Why You Should Not Talk To Your Wife About De-Cluttering Your Lives

"Now that we have become an empty nest, let us move to a smaller, more compact apartment" I told my wife.

My wife gave a very resigned look and said : "Don't blame our empty nest for the move - it is in your nature to get bored every few years and wanting a change".

But I had grossly under-estimated the challenge of shifting to a smaller place.  When we stay in large apartments we collect a lot of useless stuff over a period of time.  How do we now fit all these useless stuff into a small compact apartment with very limited storage space?

"We need to simplify our lives - so let us declutter" I told my wife.

My wife looked at me with apprehension - she knew nothing good happens when I talk philosophy.

"What do you mean?" she said.  I detected a tone of aggression in her voice.

"Better get rid of all the multiple sets of crockery - we need only 1 set of crockery" I told my wife.

"What?  Give away my priceless collection of crockery?  Why don't you give away your book collection?  We have 2 large over-flowing cupboards full of your books for which we have no space to store in our new TINY apartment" she said.

"Crockery is useless unlike books.  Going by the amount of crockery we have it would seem as if we regularly entertain a lot of guests" I said with sarcasm.

"Yeah, and going by the amount of books at our home people will mistakenly think you actually do read books" she said.

Unlike other husbands, I am not the one to give up a battle so easily.  So I replied : "Why don't you at least dispose off all these excess beddings and bed-sheets that you keep collecting?"

"And why do you need 3 harmoniums as if you are some great music Punditji?  You don't even use 1 harmonium regularly" she replied.

I wisely decided that it is easier to create more storage space in the new apartment.

Simplifying is not that simple. 


manu said...


Swapna said...

Hahahahah love this and needless to mention I am with vandana :) bedsheets and crockery is much more priceless than 'most' of other stuff ;)

vandram said...

Et tu, Swapna? :)

Swapna said...

Hahahahaha feathers of the same bird ;)

Unknown said...

I can relate to this :)
Btw the sketch is a nice touch...

NO MAD NITIN said...

Common sense is not common,
So how a literature guy ( who read so many books and kept collecting ;-) ) like Ram realised so late " simplyfying is not simple"....
Better keep collecting cookery or bedsheets Hey Ram....