Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Boat In The Middle Of The Ocean

On the night flight from Hong Kong to KL, the ocean below was filled with thousands and thousands of fishing boats - their lights twinkling off the seas.

They were like fire-flies on a dark night. Inanimate shiny objects as seen from high up in the sky.

And then I felt a strange sense of disconnect.  I had to remind myself that the boats contained people - like me. Real people with families and hopes and anxieties.  People who struggle and sacrifice - people who are separated from their wife and children by thousands of miles of ocean.

And then I tried to imagine the face of the father that that particular twinkling boat might carry.  And the boat over there in the distance - so isolated from the rest of the boats - what would be the dreams of the families of the fisherman in that boat?

It is strange what distance - either real or virtual - can do to one's perspective.  Elevation brings along a certain arrogance.

I said to myself I would one day spend time in a small boat in the middle of the ocean and experience the connection that I temporarily lost.

1 comment:

Kishore said...

Yeah, you probably have a real life experience to share..the one in Kumarakom where you were in a small boat with dark rainy clouds above staring at you and even worse - you could not locate the destination land anywhere in your view and the tide was not happy too! Remember?