Saturday, October 1, 2016

On why Kedar grows a beard

So I am Kedar, and I am in a Market Research agency.  Yesterday I called a meeting with my team mates and with my boss to discuss something that really upset me.

My boss Rahul an old fogey, immediately asked me why I had called for a meeting.

So I explained : "So you see, last week I had gone to observe a group discussion that our agency was conducting among men who had recently bought baby diapers.  The group discussion was happening on the 2nd floor in a hotel room, and I had gone down to buy pan-beeda when I was approached by an interviewer who wanted to know whether I will be interested in attending the group discussion. He told me that all I had to do was to just sit there and nod my head, and I will get a good gift at the end of the 2 hour discussion.  Imagine an interviewer from my own agency trying to recruit me to attend my own group discussion".

I could see a lot of sympathetic nods in the room - apparently my other colleagues too have experienced it.

So I continued : "And what was especially embarrassing was that even my client was approached in the lobby by another interviewer and cajoled into attending the group on baby diapers.  My client was not even married and hence got really upset and gave me a firing of my life."

The old fogey Rahul said :"Does this happen in all groups?".  Trust my boss to come up with highly irrelevant questions.

So I said: "It always happens.  Why, even in female groups......."

Before I could complete my sentence, the old fogey says "What, you get recruited to attend even female groups?".

That old fogey needs to be definitely committed to a lunatic asylum.

Before I could retort, the old fogey says : "Ah, that explains why you have recently started growing a beard, Kedar".

I very much doubt the future of group discussions if this industry has guys like this boss.

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