Sunday, June 22, 2014

Party Games & Domestic Harmony

Domestic harmony was almost destabilized yesterday.

We were attending a friends’ wedding anniversary party.  All was going well, until one of the enthusiastic ladies suddenly got up and announced grandly “We are going to have a game”.  She then paused dramatically and expectantly waited to hear the cheers and whoops of delight.

All the gentlemen were busy trying to see whether they have lost anything beneath the table. But that was a trivial challenge for her and within a matter of minutes, she had rounded up all the men and lined them up in a straight line with their eyes blind-folded.

“The game is simple.  All you men have to do is to answer correctly a few questions about your wife” she said.

A collective groan went up from the assembled men – there is no surer way to upset domestic bliss as getting things wrong about the spouse in a public forum.  But there was no escape.

So there I was, my head all wrapped up like an honourable al Qaeda representative, and the 1st question was thrown at me : “Describe what your wife is wearing now on her feet”.

Is her shoe black, brown or blue? I wondered.  Or maybe it is the yellow sandals that she might have borrowed from my daughter.

I took a guess : “brown shoes” I said. 

“You are wrong – it is black” a triumphant voice announced.

“Oh, oh” – I felt like making a dash for the exit – but the thick blind-fold prevented me from knowing where the exit was.

4 more questions followed.  I was lucky, I got the rest correct. 

There was 1 gentlemen who got only 1 answer correct, and another 3 who got only 2 correct.  What losers!

These loser husbands were given minor punishments such as lifting up their wife. Of course, the way their shoulders drooped, it was apparent that the loser husbands were sure there will be more severe punishments to follow at home.

I did not wait for the 2nd game – did not want to trust my luck too much.